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Red Dragon

Red Dragon

95° C
pour boiling water and let it steep for 3-5 minutes
1.80 PLN / i

Black tea
The variety of Chinese tea Dian Hong from Yunnan province is a gem of black tea. This unsurpassed tea is twisted by hand into small golden pearls, which after brewing unfold into whole leaves. It has a spicy and soft smell with pleasant shades of chocolate. The tea has an interesting taste, reflects a barely perceptible sweetness and pleasant tartness. The feature of "Red Dragon" is that it is not bitter. Due to its perfect depth and energy, this tea will make you appreciate more than one cup.

Storage: twisted leaves of Chinese black tea Dian Hong.

Cooking method: pour boiling water and let it steep for 3-5 minutes

Expiration date: 24 months

Storage condition: store in undamaged packaging in a cool dry place away from sunlight and pungent odors.